A Fatherless Bastard, for non instilled in him that Stealing is Immoral and is a Crime

Sean Bryan Alger: A Fatherless Bastard

'I am God. My Servant, Thou Shalt Murder Tracy R. Twyman for being a Heretic Satanist, a Heathen, married to one, and Heaven shall be your reward for this Holy Murder done unto the Devil's Dame in my Name.'



For S.B. Alger Heeds not to the many Signs from God to forgo and let go of the OCCULT & focus on God instead

..and through the advertised "Emotional Release Technique aka The Sedona Method"

The Alger Defendants: jointly and severally liable for $52,136.80.

Eternally Indebted to Tracy Twyman's Estate

..a Tithing to be paid to the Son of Abraham Widower as Divinity Decreed it

Where a Respect must be given by a true Worshiper to the Semites, for indoctrinating the adored God into one’s existence, culture, civilization, life after death
...and this is just a part of the Attorney Fees, and in a civil case.. this is his share, in double..*

(counting the $1.2 Million in penalties too)

With Interest the amount shall be

To be collected from
 Sean Bryan Alger

..and with Pleasure

For the Angel of the Lord hath Spoken God's True Prophecy
He shall be a wild man;
His hand shall be against every man,
And every man’s hand against him.
And he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren.

Genesis 16:12
Ladies, he is.. a Wild Thing
He'll make your heart sing
"Thou Shalt Not Steal"

..and God means it, surely He does..

Had a Trash like S. B. Alger listened to God, he wouldn't have been in such unenviable situation.. but he did not.. void of respect towards God's Commandments

S.B. Alger transgressed God's 8th Commandment

Utter Disrespect for the Mosaic Law
The Antisemite pretends to adhere to

S.B. Alger thought that God was not Watching him

"Keeping an Eye on the Bitch" Since 1984 Productions

Sean Bryan Alger is in Dire Need to Repent to God, to Repent to God from his involvement in the Occult and from what he has no business in


Be it Known

Be it Sean Bryan Alger's Wages, Income, Inheritance, "Biz" Profit, Crypto, or any other forthcoming gain; and Assets of Worth..
Tracy R. Twyman's Estate Will & Shall have a Hand & a Share in it
The Estate's Hand will be further inside 'Deep', Deeper in penetrating, to assess and control the damages that had been done unto Tracy R. Twyman's Image

For the Beloved God hath Punished S.B. Alger for dabbling in the "Occult"

The Occult
 “That which is of God is light” (Doctrine and Covenants 50:24). The occult focuses on darkness and leads to deception. It destroys faith in Christ.

Sean Bryan Alger Must Repent to God


His Sickly Obsession led S. B. Alger to his Ruin

"Don't you think the joker laughs at you?"

Telegram: S.B. Alger admin  Allen Marcus  Let's celebrate this victory  We will definitely have to celebrate somehow!   7:59 AM

LOL ..Sure 

Twitter:  @sewneo. Nov 4 S. B. Alger  Can't fight what's coming either. ;) 27  2

Right.. LOL

Sean Bryan Alger's Statement (on July 19, 2019) at Tracking The Leopard Meroz: It's fair to warn people about occult dangers... But it's just as fair to warn people of the trap of indignation in their churches and hypocrisy in depths of their bosoms!

..for Real

Twitter Tweet S. B. Alger @sewneo Replying to @alga_rhythm and @don_n_i_e Awesome. It'd be a shame if anyone scanned and uploaded all those Dagoberts! :-D 6:01 AM Jun 8, 2022 Twitter Web App

..Boom ..Pays $1.2 Million~!
..Oh Stop it..! LOL

"Sitting in an English garden waiting for the sun
If the sun don’t come, you get a tan from standing in the English rain"

Perhaps S. B. Alger can put a good 'spin' on his unpleasant lasting situation, and turn the bad into the good and say, that he was "silenced" for speaking the truth, or truths, or whatever conspiracy he chooses...

He will feel better then..

The Karmic chain of events was set and had already began, and manifesting.. here and there, yet S. B. Alger had been, and is always in Denial.. He cannot see.. He cannot understand..

For 'Heaven & Hell' are in the Action itself

Dumped by his Master whom he did serve in obedience, like a loyal and abused whore, to wallow and drown in the mire of his own dung..

"her crazy Arab husband, be warned."
S.B. Alger

Sean Bryan Alger readily gives an advice which he follows not: A Hypocrite

Who Murdered Tracy R. Twyman?

A Homicidal Maniac on The Loose

Reddit: S.B. Alger: sewneo 3 points 3 years ago I will fucking kill you people. God damn it.

Reddit: S.B. Alger: sewneo 3 points 3 years ago: sewneo 2 points 3 years ago I just make sure they know I'm really crazy and dangerous too...

“I shall be patient, Master. It is coming—coming—coming!”

"The attendant thinks it is some sudden form of religious mania which has seized him. If so, we must look out for squalls, for a strong man with homicidal and religious mania at once might be dangerous."

"my patient is too dangerous a person to be roaming about. Those ideas of his might work out dangerously with strangers"

"He was talking, apparently to some one, but I was afraid to go near enough to hear what he was saying, lest I might frighten him, and he should run off. Chasing an errant swarm of bees is nothing to following a naked lunatic, when the fit of escaping is upon him!"

"I heard him say:—

I am here to do Your bidding, Master. I am Your slave, and You will reward me, for I shall be faithful. I have worshipped You long and afar off. Now that You are near, I await Your commands, and You will not pass me by, will You, dear Master, in Your distribution of good things?”"

Of the Madman At the grounds of Carfax Bedlam, from Bram Stocker's Dracula
Indeed, these lines do give the impression that they were writ about and descriptive of S. B. Alger.

Yet it is not the case.

These quoted words are describing a madman, an insane person that is displaying religious fanaticism whom is held in a madhouse in Victorian England, according to the literature on Dracula's fictitious account.

The similarities are astonishing between Bram Stocker's madman, and Sean Bryan Alger; for such base qualities of deformity of the brain and the mind and the character are well observed universally throughout all the ages and in every society.

One cannot help but wonder what kind of society that S. B. Alger lives in, allowing a homicidal dangerous maniac loose and freely roaming inflicting harm.
"He was talking, apparently to some one"

Discord Server S. B. Alger: like the holy ghost was yelling at me...

Discord Server: S.B. Alger: But the spirit was speaking there too.

Discord Server: S.B. Alger 02-Jan-21 12:18 PM I was following the Holy Spirit.

Discord Server Sean Bryan Alger: I'm reluctant to relay what I know about Tracy and God...


Vampyress Vampyress


Sean Bryan Alger's Art:
Depiction of a Bloody "Dracula"

Antisemite Bigot

..and Stealing from the Dead
S. B. Alger cannot pretend that he is a 'victim' whom is haphazardly 'targeted', posting videos online where he whimpers looking and sounding like a whipped moaning 'bitch', and with degradation soliciting pity from others as if pleading and crying loud ‘Look at me! woe is me!’… inciting others of the same filth to gang-up against Tracy's Widower motivated with utter hatred and racism.. inhumane dark behavior and intentions.. It doesn’t work this way.

There is the idiot, and there is the subtle and one cannot be both.

It is universally understood that stealing from the dead is something of a taboo and has it's own non pleasant consequences.. at the least, in the Old World such is thought and agreed upon..

"some asshole had illegally uploaded a PDF of my book"
Tracy R. Twyman

The Estate Honors & with utmost Dedication the Late Tracy R. Twyman's Wishes

May Her Soul Rest in Peace
With the Fall of Every Intruding Filth
Until Then

Plus Ultra Medal (Produced without Permission from Tracy Twyman Estate): There is More Beyond

"I shook my head in an effort to snap myself back into reality. Then I dug into my phone and Google-image- searched until I found a website where some asshole had illegally uploaded a PDF of my book about Baphomet."

Tracy R. Twyman,
 from Genuflect (Chapter 15)

Plus Ultra Medal (Produced without Permission from Tracy Twyman Estate): There is More Beyond

The Estate in its capacity is able to publish another fifteen posthumous books of Tracy R. Twyman
Some of these materials were never published during Tracy Twyman's short lifetime
The Estate reserves publishing these works until S. B. Alger absolutely ceases from associating his base self and his filth with Tracy R. Twyman's name
This decision is made to protect Tracy R. Twyman's Legacy for future generations and times, even if this constitutes the publication of these books not in our lifetime

'Never Forget!
..to Never Forget!
and to Never Forget!
..and, and to Never Forget!
..and, and, and to Never Forget!
..and, and, and, and to Never Forget!
..and, and, and, and, and to Never Forget!
..and, and, and, and, and, and to Never Forget!
..and, and, and, and, and, and, and to Never Forget!
..and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and to Never Forget!
..to brush your teeth before going to bed'

A Loser, who leeches on Widows and Dead Women hard work & achievements

Twitter: S. B. Alger @sewneo 14 Jul 2022 Replying to @alga_rhythm @SloanBella His level of support is pretty low by my gauges! 1 13 55 ♥1 alga_rhythm @alga_rhythm 14 Jul 2022 Good 13 55 ♥1

..amusing, the idiot never ceases to entertain.. 
The irony.. the irony.. now, who will pick up Sean Bryan Alger's bill, in "support" of his futile endeavour that failed before all to see, and placed him and others in a dire situation?
Who would like to share S.B. Alger's miserable lot, and his misery, and partake in a role in the legal bedlam that S.B. Alger found himself in, to taste what he tastes while the many are watching, in hopes to 'ease' the burden on him?
"Quoth the Raven 'Nevermore'"

Do note that @SloanBella Psychic Sloan Bella is addressed in this message.. as if she has the time and bandwidth for cheap useless idiots, racist imbeciles, like S.B. Alger.

Why interrupt her..? She is making money, not losing money for nothing because she is maniacally trying to shove one's Religion on the other, the dead too.. spewing out unnecessary racial and racist remarks.. pretending to be something that she is not.. and take over what does not belong to her.

Besides, S.B. Alger kept quiet, almost motionless, when the subject of Sloan Bella being targeted by 'unknown' group after being sued was brought up to him. Why is that? Why quiet, why no 'statements' were 'issued', only leaving it at thousands of 'statements' about Tracy Twyman and her husband?

Why Sean Bryan Alger was Silent?

Twitter: Post The Phoenix Enigma @ThePhoenixEnig1 Follow Did I mention that @SloanBella is a vacuous manufacturer of easily disprovable lies? Sloan Bella lies about the death of both Isaac Kappy and Tracy Tywman. Agent? Asset? Paid disinformation agent? Vapid Cow? #Sloansplain #liar #falsephysic #isaackappy 9:07 PM - Jul 1, 2022 7 Likes 27 Σ <]

"some angry lady making weird memes"

Twitter: Red Wave Patriot @tg2travel ⚫ Jul 10, 2019  Replying to @steveouttrim and 2 others  Wow why did she fear for her life?  S. B. Alger @sewneo  I'm not prepared to make any kind of statement but I can tell you that people contacted me and confirmed it was true. My heart is broken. I've just been crying. I don't know what else to say.  17 8:00 PM - Jul 10, 2019  See S. B. Alger ''s other Tweets >

..such a psychopath bitch..

..Fraudulently, he pretends to be part of Tracy Twyman's Estate
..and it caught up with him very bad..

And Stole Tracy Twyman's Mailing List and utilized it, presenting himself as Tracy's Estate..

Twitter: @sewneo (S.B. Alger) 04/16/2021:  @CoolStuff21 @HyCearnaidh @diamondmind311 @SloanBella: He's a very strange and jealous and controlling person. I assume he imagines he should be the only one in control of how Tracy might be represented in the world.

..a stupidity of no match, it seems that S.B. Alger had heard not of, nor is able to comprehend the concept, the reality of 'private property' in the form of 'Intellectual property', and 'copyrights'..

Nor he wants to believe that Tracy R. Twyman was a married woman, otherwise, his obsession will crash as reality will sit in within his empty head; then he will be broken hearted..

..and this had cost him $1.2 Million in penalties..

This very well reveals the reasons which moved S.B. Alger's ex-wife to petition the family court for a restraining order against him, seeking Protection for her self and her daughters from him; from Sean Bryan Alger's insanity and delusional mental states and his forceful attitude.

He has no sense of boundaries nor a sense of respect towards the other neither..

Again, Sloan Bella is addressed here too

YouTube.com : Sean Bryan Alger CN 2 years ago Love you Sean, -Kristie 20 Hide reply REPLY S.B. Alger 2 years ago Love you too! ;) REPLY Poophammer Press Video Suppository 2 years ago Thanks for the update! Good to hear from you. 10 REPLY

..they are not paying Sean Bryan Alger's bill, are they?


"It's a big win!"

Facebook: Ashlea Stinnett YESSSSSSSS!!! Fantastic brother!!!! Like Reply 21w Sean Alger Ashlea Stinnett thanks... I'm elated. It's such a relief. Like Reply 21w Ashlea Stinnett Sean Alger it's huge!! So happy for you and the people! It's a big win! So much has been deleted. You are a true warrior my dude! Like Reply 21w Sean Alger Ashlea Stinnett I love ya girl... I'd love to get on a call for fun when the time is right. It's a whole new chapter now. Like Reply 21w Ashlea Stinnett Sean Alger yep! Absolutely! I also just sent you a pm Like Reply 21w

..she dodged it.. hid away for a while.. She knew that she was bad..
..and shortly before that she was already hissing aloud amid the bushes and thistles:

"Fantastic Brother!!!!"

Is the 'Sister' willing to invest a 'dime' for a Misogynist Religious Fanatic Ignorant Bigot like S.B. Alger to deliver a hateful "Brother" from his perpetual malady and 'Debt' that the Moorish Heathen ensnared him in and within?
Of course she won't..
It was HATE, and only HATE that reconciled both together who do uphold exact opposing life style and world views ['to each their own'] to the core of their putrefied psyche..
..and that while preaching about God's love and other foolish nonsense of a lobotomized brain, and the other in ultimate hypocrisy with the mantra of "Peace & Love".. the hateful with her venom..

Sean Alger's best bet is to keep leeching on his girlfriend until she fends him off eventually..

"It's a whole new chapter now."





"Expert text pert choking smokers, don’t you think the joker laughs at you?"


..perhaps Sean Bryan Alger is taxing his widow girlfriend's funds for his Lawyer Fees..

Twitter:  @sewneo. Nov 4 S. B. Alger  Can't fight what's coming either. ;) 27  2

...was S. B. Alger addressing himself in this..? talking to himself again?


Trash, all around Trash...

S.B. Alger Posing beside a Trash Bin

"..skinny drug whores were my addiction." S.B. Alger

IMDb entry on S.B. Alger (Public Image)

A Necrophiliac Satanist in Sheep's Clothing

Who is Deprived by Law from being around his own 'Fatherless' Daughters
As the State sees it Fit

Pedophilia & Antisemitism & Religious Fanaticism
Blend Together Seamlessly
In one Body

Where Evil & Darkness Lurk
While lashing out God's name in Vain


Double, double toil and trouble;
Fire burn, and cauldron bubble.

Macbeth, Act IV Scene I

"I don't trust Sean, he is one of them" - Tracy Twyman

A concern that Tracy Twyman voiced to her widower a few days before her untimely death.

"They all get sodomized. It's how they get "initiated"" - Alex Rivera

..and Who 'Suicided' Tracy R. Twyman? *

"..posing as a husband and wife"

Agent #002: Nurse Lee Taylor of Boise Idaho
Agent #001: Sean Bryan Alger

"that somebody was her friend that turned... this was somebody she knew that this, okay, and somebody was posing as a husband and wife is what I was getting.."

"She was kind of struck by somebody she felt was a friend of hers so this is a betrayal on a total level.

Hollywood crowd Diva & Psychic, Sloan Bella and channeling Tracy R. Twyman on July 18th 2019 **

Hollywood crowd Diva & Psychic, Sloan Bella

"..struck by somebody she felt was a friend of hers.."

Lee (Alicia) Taylor Text Message via Sean Bryan Alger Phone to Tracy Twyman:  Sean Alger: 4:18 PM On our way.  Sean Alger: This is Lee Sean's girlfriend Imao so we are now on our way to the correct address 4:22 PM
Lee Taylor (and Sean Bryan Alger) fits Sloan Bella's description on Tracy Twyman's murderers, in contrast to S.B. Alger accusations:  "..struck by somebody she felt was a friend of hers.."

..so Pretty.. (no wonder S.B. Alger is eyeing other men's wives..)
A "girlfriend", not a "fiancée" as S. B. Alger fantasizes and claims.
Hence "..posing as a husband and wife"..

Gangstalking Tracy R. Twyman to Death
Sean Bryan Alger & Alicia Anna Taylor

Lee Lee: Tracy the boys are really concerned that you may not be safe or have control of your accounts. Can you say something to me so I know its you and your ok ?  Jun 3, 2019  Lee Lee: You really hurt Sean. I don't think you a very good person.  Jun 4, 2019  Seen Jun 4

Tripping on Tracy R. Twyman? Inducing Psychosis? Stalking her to satisfy her pedo Boar?
"I don't think you a very good person"
"I don't think you a very good person."
"I don't think you a very good person."
"I don't think you a very good person."

"I don't think you a very good person"

Text Message from Sean Alger: I have sounded the alarm about your situation to people on Twitter and in the Discord.  I am totally freaked out and scared to death Tracy.  Jun 4, 2019 [Almost a month before Tracy Twyman's death]

Harassment & Gangstalking & Stalking:
Both Alicia Anna Taylor & S.B. Alger did contribute (directly and indirectly) to Tracy R. Twyman's violent Demise.

Twitter: S. B. Alger @sewneo 16 Aug 2022: Replying to @doubleDutchquak Do you have a good resource on gangstalking? 1 13 351 ♥1

While inducing Psychosis on Tracy R. Twyman, as S.B. Alger was Ordered to do..
"..and scared to death Tracy."
"..and scared to death Tracy."
"..and scared to death Tracy."
"..and scared to death Tracy."
"..and scared to death Tracy."
"..and scared to death Tracy."
"..and scared to death Tracy."
"..and scared to death Tracy."

Discord Sever:  December 26, 2022 S.B. Alger 12/26/2022 7:38 AM God Bless you ALL for being willing to look and to participate in the scarry truths on the fringes of this realm:  @everyone: love ya'll!  Ó Cuinneagáin Émilie RIP Kappy and Tracy R Twyman  Satanic Pedos, Rapists, Killers and/or Cannibals  1. Seth Green 2. James Gun 3. Steven Spielberg  4. Tom Hanks 5. Steven Colbert  6. Jimmy Kimmel 7. Barack Obama 8. Kevin Spacey 9. Kathy Griffin 10. Oprah Winfrey 11. Beyonce Knowles 12. Anthony Kiedis 13. John Legend  14. Chrissy Teigen 15. Joe Biden 16. John McCain 17. John Podesta 18. Hilary Clinton 19. Bill Clinton 20. Chelsea Clinton 21. Alec Baldwin 22. Robert Downey Jr 23. Quentin Tarantin 24. Meryl Streep 25. Demi Moore 26. Ben Affleck  27. John Cusack 28. James Frenco 29. Charlie Sheen 30. Anderson Cooper  @SPACE DADDY MEMES  Isaac Kappy spoke out against many people before he mysteriously "committed suicide". Kappy said the names listed above are elite members who are involved in human trafficking, satanic torture, and cannibalism. Right before his death, Kappy claimed that 'they' would try to kill him and that he wasn't suicidal whatsoever!

The Antisemite Sean Bryan Alger promotes, and in the name of God:

"scarry truths on the fringe of this realm"

..serving the so-called Israeli, like every undignified Zionist, spreading their propaganda for their end, while pretending to Tracy Twyman that he is..

"scared to death Tracy"

..and the drugging of Tracy R. Twyman...

A Text Message to Tracy R. Twyman:  Sean Alger:  "Wow Yeah, it's a far out drug. I love it. I'll tell you more in a bit"  9:58 AM

"..there was some sort of.. kidnapping but somebody moved her and.. used something in the physical body that stopped her like.. a muscle relaxant; but she couldn't move her arm she couldn't move her legs she could kind of hear but she could not free herself and she was held somewhere.."

Hollywood crowd Diva & Psychic, Sloan Bella and channeling Tracy R. Twyman on July 18th 2019 **

"made to look like a suicide,"

A very plausible statement:
For both S.B. Alger and his girlfriend Nurse Lee Taylor do work with immobile patients.
Thus, moving and placing an 'immobile', limp', and 'drugged' person, like Tracy Twyman, in a desired position "to look like a suicide" would be a nationally certified expertise of both S.B Alger and VA Nurse Lee Taylor.

Contact Name: Lee Taylor Contact Info: Email & Direct Job Title: Counterintelligence Officer Location: United States, District of Columbia, Washington, D.C. Company: U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs Name: www.va.gov

An Expert on Abuse
S.B. Alger abusing one of his Disabled & Immobile Clients..

A Coward with no Dignity nor Humanity

Reddit: sewneo (S.B. Alger):  "Very Gnostic. Oh! Btw... for some reason... Devout Muslims in wheelchairs made me LOL> I felt horrible."

     Even at what S. B. Alger is best at, his source of livelihood, his only expertise, that is preparing Wheelchairs for those in need, erroneously it was assumed of him that he was an agent of Mercy to those who do struggle with their life within the physical.

     He had shown and expressed Malice, Hate, Harm, Evil..

    For S.B. Alger is an Evil and Base agent: He did betray the Trust out of Hate and Darkness, and shewn to those who trusted in him and trusted in his role the Devil's face rather the one of the Eternal and of God's.

   What God, what nonsense he spews out now and then annoying the sentient and the non sentient?

For "God" hath Exposed S. B. Alger and his low Status for all to witness and see; thus, not to behave like him.

Full Pedo S.B. Alger

"pedo Boar" 

Facebook Lee Lee (Alicia Anna Taylor):  Started New Job at Boise VA Medical Center  June 8, 2020 Boise, Idaho

A Legal Notice
* By Law, Nurse Alicia Lee Taylor is obliged to report Sean Bryan Alger to the authorities for his gruesome misconduct against the disabled that he was hired to service; and this was motivated by ‘Hate’ thus S. B. Alger motive also constitutes a Hate Crime.

S.B. Alger had the audacity to attest to his crime publicly on Reddit and taking pride in so.

This legal obligation is due to the role of the "Mandated Reporter" (besides being a federal employee where Rules of Conduct are applicable), which Nurse Lee Taylor falls under.

NPI: 1457476392
Entity Type: Individual
First Name: ALICIA
Middle Name: A
Last Name: TAYLOR
Gender: F
Credentials: RN

Enough is Enough
An Unfit Federal Employee
Besides the abuse that was committed against a Disabled Individual by S. B. Alger, it is the Federal Employee Alicia Anna Taylor Household being the hub and source of many of Antisemitism, Pizzagate and other accusations, Isaac Kappy's saga, and the many a diatribe against the Jews regarding Tracy Twyman's Death, ruining her reputation, and sabotaging what is owned as copyrights, and collectively accusing Jews of being 'rapists'. This is what historically labeled as ANTISEMITISM.

It is absolutely not acceptable to involve the late Tracy R. Twyman with nefarious hateful, illegal activities that are well propagated utilizing her name and image.

It is from the federal employee Alicia Anna Taylor household, Hate Crimes threats are produced and propagated against Tracy R. Twyman's widower, where he was threatened directly and indirectly with mob lynching, and other acts of violence as well unceasing activities of inhumane Gangstalking, all motivated by Hate.

Results of the vile Antisemitism that S.B. Alger spreads online in regard 'Jews' and Tracy R. Twyman's death

The jews rape kids on twitter They murderdd tracy twyman for exposing it
NPI: 1457476392 Name: TAYLOR, ALICIA A (RN) Entity Type: Individual Prefix: First Name: ALICIA Middle Name: A Last Name: TAYLOR Suffix: Gender: F Credentials: RN

Idaho Statutes

39-5303. Duty to report cases of vulnerable adult maltreatment. (1) Licensed medical professionals, emergency services personnel, facility employees, skilled nursing facility employees, employees of an entity responsible for providing care to a vulnerable adult, medical examiners, social workers, or law enforcement personnel who have reasonable cause to believe that a vulnerable adult is being or has been maltreated shall report such information to the commission’s designated APS provider as expeditiously as possible but within twenty-four (24) hours of acquiring the information that forms the basis of such reasonable cause.

 Another Questionable Death

Nurse Lee Taylor celebrating the Day of the Dead (not Christian celebration)Lee Taylor Late Husband Ryan Anselmo Bosse who dropped dead

A Deadman Without a Switch
Deadman's Children
Exposed to Pedo S. B. Alger
'..a bad, bad mother'
Not so "a very good person" & mother

Nurse Lee Taylor & Her Late 'Husband' Ryan Anselmo Bosse
(Who 'Suddenly' died, "dropped dead", of a young age allegedly by "pulmonary embolism")
Nurse Alicia Anna 'Lee' Taylor Late 'Husband' Ryan Anselmo Bosse  On June 5, 2014, Ryan Anselmo Bosse died of a pulmonary embolism. He was 36. Ryan Anselmo Bosse  ( September 26, 1977 - June 5, 2014 )
'Oh my God! He just dropped Dead!'
'Oh my God-God-God-God!''He just dropped Dead!-Dead-Dead-Dead!'
[Mr. Bosse's death was long before COVID-19 Vaccination release, as a democratically, and of the "Free World", and "Rules Based Order", infested Mass Murder Method; and before the Genocide that is committed democratically and 'freedomly' (and religiously) against the Mighty Brave Palestinian.] The West at where no other can exceed as well:
The 'Pioneers' in Genocide
..and Theft .. and Religiously.. and for "God"
A Continuous Heritage of Genocide and Theft since Inception

Pioneers Genocide against Natives in America

Perhaps S.B. Alger has a better theory regarding Ryan's Death, instead of the alleged "pulmonary embolism".. like dropping dead was allegedly due  to eating too many Kosher "Cheese Pizza", and the Kosher toppings 'had to take him out'?
.. Mr. Dropped Dead and not Suicided Ryan Anselmo Bosse 'was way too far/deep into their plan... --but--I think they had to take him out' hypothesis?
How "way way too far/deep" way deep.. way way "far/deep" inside was Dropped Dead and not  allegedly Suicided dead Ryan?
Did the Deadman Dropped Dead leave any kind of Switch, or Switches?
Was it CISCO, with POE ports, and some Ethernet Cables that allegedly snake "far/deep".. He had no car nor a vehicle?
Was under Deadman's bed side investigated by S. B. Alger as soon he gained a foothold into allgedly Dropped Dead Deadman's household and wife's entrances?
..was it like 7 inches, 12 inches, 6 feet under?.,,. how "far/deep" was Deadman Ryan.. into that deadly but not suiciding New York's allegedly Kosher 'Cheese Pizza'?

When Ryan married Alicia “Lee” Taylor in September of 2006, everyone who loved the two of them knew that theirs was a perfect match. Ryan was Lee’s best friend, lover, savior, and life partner . . . just as she was his. Ryan was born in Moscow, Idaho, on September 26, 1977, to Carol Anselmo and Michael Bosse. He is survived by his wife Lee, parents Carol and Michael, sister Corinna, several aunts, uncles, cousins, etc., as well as the many members of his “logical family,” including Jenni, Coree, Bailey, Peter, Allie, James, Tsosie, Curt, the Mom’s Committee, Kathy, Nathan, Carl, Paula, Red, Richelle and many others. He was preceded in death by grandparents Frank and Avis Anselmo and Richard and Marty Bosse. Ryan believed in family, and he believed that in addition to our biological family, we have a “logical” family as well. Although close to the biological members of his family, he drew many other people to him and formed his own “logical” family, ultimately blending the two. Corinna is Ryan’s biological sister, but he also had sisters Jenni, Coree, and Bailey, who were very important to him. His best friends Peter, Tsosie and James were his brothers. This is Ryan’s mother writing, and although I only gave birth to Ryan and Corinna, I have many others who call me “Mom” because of Ryan.

...and Gossiping like a Whore..

The New Norm
In a world of the Alleged and the Allegedly, Everything goes Allegedly

Twitter: S. B. Alger ... @sew... 23 Jul 2022 Replying to @LapsusLima Twyman was our co-producer and research partner before she allegedly killed herself. The article "Secret of Minnie's Mouse" has been scrubbed from the web but it's not impossible to find. You might enjoy the strange angles and connections. 1 13 "
Twitter: S. B. Alger... @sew... 14 May 2019 Issac Kappy has allegedly jumped to his death from atop a bridge in Arizona. He left a suicide message on Instagram. google.com/amp/s/amp.tmz.com... #kappyjumps 62 1 8

"..and research partner"
What "research" was that? what 'metaphysics'?
Since when a Bigot, Uneducated, Religious Fanatic, a Trash, who is lacking the necessary Culture and Intelligence, (and in S. B. Alger's case) the Class is a peer with Tracy R. Twyman?

'Thou Shalt not Kill'

Like how Tracy Twyman met her Maker?

Discord: S.B. Alger: I was following the Holy Spirit.
Discord: S.B. Alger: ..like the holy ghost was yelling at me...

To commit a heinous Deed against Tracy Twyman?

Twitter S. B. Alger @sewneo 10h:  er'ry day on this app: -An image of Execution of a Heretic-
Discord: S.B. Alger: But the spirit was speaking there too.

In Heaven or Hell?
After or Before the Deed?
Encouraging, or Chiding?

Reddit: sewneo (S.B. Alger):  "I will fucking kill you people. God damn it."

..someone disturbed S.B. Alger from his Criminal Trance..

Telegram: S.B. Alger Forwarded from S.B. Alger admin Sculptures made during WEAVING SPIDERS WELCOME 5-28-22 7 38:24 AM

The Art of Necrophilia

..where such a thing came from?

Twitter: S. B. Alger @sewneo Jun 13 Replying to @cryptokubrology @DanaDooDah @caseyrobertboyd lol She can always watch #RXOnlyPICTURESHOW & decide what Tracy's beliefs were at the time of her "death".

S. B. Alger, a Pedophile, still insists on his horrific and Mindless agenda of Religious Fanaticism as the imbecile is still polluting Tracy R. Twyman's life achievements.
Lee Taylor, S.B. Alger's girlfriend, is not seeing the legal implications of all of this nonsense and other illegal activities perpetuated by her Criminal boyfriend?
S.B. Alger sees not the consequences of his Obsession, for he is too Obsessed to tell day from night

S.B. Alger must stop and refrain from assuming an authority on Tracy Twyman's biography in public.
There will be other Legal Consequences as this continuous.

Twitter: tmh trackmyhashtag:  Top Users | Top Influencers | Most Popular Contributors  [S. B. Alger] @sewneo https://twitter.com/sewneo 5.97K Impressions  700 Woke2Br @freejerry88 https://twitter.com/freejerry88  351 Impressions  Chad Warren - Renaissan @chadwarren32076 https://twitter.com/chadwarren32076 248 Impressions
Twitter: Top Tweets:  Most Retweeted Tweets| Most Liked Tweets  6 Retweets  Thanks for sharing! Please share if you're a #TRACYTWYMAN OR #RxOnlyPICTURESHOW fan... So the other's can be informed. Much more to come from us in the near future! -sb  18-Dec-2021 15:12:36 UTC

Hijacking Tracy R. Twyman's Death 'narrative' while assisting the Bots, 'sock puppets'.. and stalking the Dead..

6K of Tweets with #TracyTwyman
..who was paying S.B. Alger's rent, while he was busy and dedicated in his fabulous task? ..who was satisfying his ignored girlfriend Lee Taylor while he was finding himself in Twitter due a mid-life crisis?

S. B. Alger obeys & serves in the 'Conspiracy Industry Complex'

80%-90% of #TracyTwyman tweets (excluding S.B. Alger's 6K Tweets) were 'manufactured  conversations' by "sock puppets" and Bots

Rafael Velez DUDE, I can't BELIEVE you are that desperate for attention that you usw Tracy Twyman's name to get people to hear you. You voild probably be sued actually. Go and have confidence in your own name next time. You probably have just pissed off most vieweers anyway.

Never ceases to impress.. The Prophetic Tracy Twyman had predicted what will happen to her work and legacy, in a snippet she posted on Twitter.. Predicted the Thievery and the Lawsuits and the Disgrace of the Leeching Predator, the uneducated Ignorant Imposter...

'Pumped & Dumped' by the 'Sock Puppets' Masters


Discord Server: July 18, 2019 S.B. Alger 07/18/2019 3:19 PM  JEM & me will be live on Clyde Lewis Ground Zero radio tonight at 8 p.m. Pacific Standard Time. We will set up around 6 and go live on my channel and sit and fart around and listen to Clyde and field questions from the chat until it's time to push the button and go live on the Big Show!  Let's see if we can set the record straight and encourage the police to do their jobs and rally the troops to preserve Tracys content and hopefully find out at least some more details to give us closure.

Ah.. the first who did protest while crying out loud "Bloody Murder!" indeed.. and then did demand to "set the record straight" ..There is a process that had already began for that.. instead of pointing fingers in a whim.. at the wrong entities and out of spite
"..on the Big Show!"

..not anymore...  LOL
"..to give us closure".. and who did anoint S.B. Alger as a 'detective' and being in the position of Twyman's Estate? 

.. and 'took charge' of what is not his..

Pedophile Psychopath S. B. Alger: 'Used & Abused' | 'Pumped & Dumped'

The look on S.B. Alger's face after the harsh realization: Priceless
'Used & Abused' | 'Pumped & Dumped'
by Foreign Agents
and Foreign Master

"..and rally the troops to preserve Tracys content.." 

Thus, a vicious Crusade was launched against the late Tracy R. Twyman and her Heathen Husband.. for the Religious Fanatic Imbecile, in obedience, rallied to satisfy his Master's Agenda and sought Narrative and propagated Antisemitism themes -- Jews rape, cook, eat babies and children.. A Classic from an Antisemite experimenting with 'Gentiles'' Mass Hysteria..

..and perpetually paying the price alone, for his vanquished Crusade..

The Pedophile: at his finest 'Godly' Moment
A Sick Demented Psychopath

Once upon a time..

Discord Server: S. B. Alger @everyone: S.B. Alger 10.29/2021: Hey, did @everyone see how "H" changed up twyman.com, and that he even linked to a tweet addressing the suspicion that many of us have about him being involved in Tracy's death?
Discord Server: 10/29/2021   Animerican: Is this a guilty conscience moment??  @Animerican, S.B. Alger: Good question...  ay ay gabriel: Yeah i did see that actually

"..for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap"
KJV Galatians 6:7-8

No Good comes out of Obsession


S.B. Alger & S&M Club

"Why was Jesus arrested.. naked, with an underage boy?"

"I am obsessed with that guys work!"
S.B. Alger

 Perhaps it is the excitement sparked by the image of an adult being "naked, with an underage boy"

Was this "boy" a 'Skinny Whore' too?

Rather, S. B. Alger the Pedophile, is obsessed with the person of Tracy R. Twyman, a married and dead woman, to a sickening level while being extremely Repulsive to everyone.. far obsessed to a degree of ruining the quality of his uneventful, despicable low life

"I'll end in whimsy and say I've found this beautifully talented and strangely erotic man.." - S.B. Alger

Twitter S.B. Alger @sewneo:  White Trashionalism @WTrashionaislm  AMERICA FIRST, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN

...uncontrollable need & an urgency for Cuckoldry

Twitter: @sewneo (S.B. Alger):  "One of the greatest memes ever made.  'If you're gonna cuck... CUCK HARD'"

"...oh I've totally done that! You'll love it. I highly recommend it." - S.B. Alger

Twitter S. B. Alger @sewneo Replying to @ToriNicksWho Jul 9, 2019:  ...oh I've totally done that! You'll love it. I highly recommend it.  I totally thought I was gonna find info related to this old classic meme: BITE THE PILLOW I'M GOING IN DRY
Sean Bryan Alger Gloating at a Mirror

♥"..in whimsy.."

"..in whimsy.."

"..in whimsy.." ♥

Not Happy with his Girlfriend.. No Self Respect.. She Allows it.. Low Self Esteem.. No Pride.. She does not believe in herself.. thus she allows it all the time, to be degraded publicly by her boyfriend.. a 'bad.. bad mother'..

From Discord Server: S. B. Alger, a Bastard, with 'broken hearts' in regards Tracy R. Twyman
S. B. Alger Girlfriend Lee Taylor of Boise
S. B. Alger Girlfriend Lee Taylor of Boise
S. B. Alger Girlfriend Lee Taylor of Boise
S. B. Alger Girlfriend Lee Taylor of Boise
From Discord Server: S. B. Alger, a Bastard, with 'broken hearts' in regards Tracy R. Twyman
Discord S.B. Alger: Drooling on another man's dead wife.

Discord S.B, Alger
hearts rent-hearts hearts

From Discord Server: S. B. Alger, a Bastard, with 'broken hearts' in regards Tracy R. Twyman
S. B. Alger Girlfriend Lee Taylor of Boise II
S. B. Alger Girlfriend Lee Taylor of Boise II
S. B. Alger Girlfriend Lee Taylor of Boise II
S. B. Alger Girlfriend Lee Taylor of Boise II

..oh, she tried, tried hard to be as attractive, and to be desired and loved by her creepy boyfriend.. to be deserving.. alas.. to no avail..


What Camp?

From Discord Server: S. B. Alger, a Bastard, with 'broken hearts' in regards Tracy R. Twyman
Discord S.B, Alger  My soul is already bound, I'm the indentured servant of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Twitter S. B. Alger @sewneo 10h:  er'ry day on this app: -An image of Execution of a Heretic-

"Off with her head!" The Queen of Hearts

S.B. Alger and Ku Klux Klan


God is Love


Tracy's Curse.. Feel it?

The Abomination of The Abominable
Another Self-Righteous, Religious Fanatic Whore who Thinks that Idol Worshiping, Promoting Baphomet instead of Prometheus, are as Serving the Lord & God & etc.
As such he stands in defense of the Damned, Sodomy, Sodomites, Neo-Pedos, Perversions, Crimes, Murder, and the Immoral Abominable's Abomination.

Twitter: X. theMegasAeon Alex Rivera If you don't know what I'm talking about then please go to this abomination of a website: https:// creep.tracytwymandeath.com 4:00 AM Apr 23, 2024...

The Abominable Dr. Phibes

"..but you can't doctor, I am already.. dead."

Dr. Phibes & Vulnavia

The Eloquent Dry Cunt's Hypocrisy & Diatribe: 'Walk the Talk' 

..stolen from the bed of the blind Milton, his 'Paradise Lost', while engaged feverishly and earnestly with his two wives in a ménage à trois.. as he was resting his spirit-- and the Muses were watching, staring, drooling, oh.. moist and dripping.. glittering briny dew, enjoying themselves, rubbing against each other, and their drippling pinions against each's, 'charging up' --resting his spirit from crafting his poesy in defense of Satan, the 'heroic Satan', an epic heresy; to Present:

Twitter: Alex Rivera @AeonEye - Oct 24, 2020 Replying to @diamondmind311 @sewneo and 3 others Jesus Christ is Lord forever. Baphomet and his worthless followers will bend their knee to Him in the end. Then they will be tossed in the lake of fire with the Devil and his angels, where there will be wailing and gnashing of teeth forever and ever. Amen.

..and so forth with the everlasting sadistic torment scene while being high on Meth..

..or better, oh.. more sinister, an ensuing catfight between Baphomet & the Devil at the muds of lake of fire.. while God and his ministry and other pleasing looking angels half nude.. all are making bets..

..thus God was enjoying, and without doubt, His eternal tyme in tormenting those who are daring, who question and revolt against His absolute tyranny.. Amen

"And to the fierce contention brought along
Innumerable force of Spirits arm’d
That durst dislike his reign, and me preferring,
His utmost power with adverse power oppos’d
In dubious Battel on the Plains of Heav’n,
And shook his throne. What though the field be lost?
All is not lost; the unconquerable Will,
And study of revenge, immortal hate,
And courage never to submit or yield:
And what is else not to be overcome?"

Learning by Watching

Thus the Muses were Inspired by God's Acts of Sadism

De Sade's Juiliette

Thus the Muses were Inspired by God's Acts of Sadism

"Yellow matter custard, dripping from a dead dog’s eye
Crabalocker fishwife, pornographic priestess
Man you been a naughty girl you let your knickers down"

Tracy's Curse.. Feel it.. more of it to come, like dark clouds that keep rolling..

Pedophiles who do Crusade for 'Sexual Abuse (SA) Victims'

Ye Antisemites, The Religious Fanatics
Why Incriminate one self further with "Hate Speech" and viciously blame the Jews (some of this rabble are confirmed neo-Nazis and Skinheads with what such entails of other illegal activities & trafficking; and being infiltrated and watched by multiple federal agencies) and Hollywood Tribe with Perversions & Murder...

 While Pedophilia & Pedophiles & Murderers are rather rampant In-house?
Indeed, Living & Thriving (& Throbbing) while lurking in Utah and Idaho Leeching on Mothers & WidowsAnd this is just the 'tip of the iceberg' from what is not published yet

/pol/ Anonymous ID: +7WOUeVN Sat 23 Dec 2023 18:30:45 No.452879149   >>452878518: The jews rape kids on twitter They murderdd tracy twyman for exposing it
The jews rape kids on twitter
They murderdd tracy twyman for exposing it

Not true, it was an "inside" job*

Gentiles' Blues:
Don't Blame the Jews

"Gentiles" on Minors  Sexual Abuse (SA) is common within the American Household due to the continuous efforts at the eradication of the Family Unit in the United States.Of course, there is no mention of the 'Gentile government' and the myriad of its agencies and bureaucracies that are well known for their reputation for their role in facilitating 'trafficking' 'household' members, families which the octopus like 'State' (in it's hold of every aspect of the living), just broke up into individual state 'assets', State owned 'assets', through the draconian mechanisms of the Gentile "Law"; with STASI like tactics to entrap the family "legally"; and the Police State like enforcement of such "Laws"."Protecting the Women & Children" sounds familiar? and yes, it is a Nazi propaganda, invented and utilized by the Nazis themselves...No one wants a retaliation from the State, the Western "Democracy" style and its rapist boarish stooges.. thus they pick on Jews instead.They are all aware that every citizen and member of the Gentile nation is threatened by the Gentile State sanctioned Sexual Rape, in the Gentile "land of the free, and.." et cetera.. Prisons for the house's 'baal' to be sodomized in the 'legal' and forced 'slave labor camp*'; Women Shelter & Streets, cheap motels offered by the State (for the few, and the select), where there she is sexually assaulted, threatened and more of psychosis to induce on her, beaten, raped and pimped out by the Pigs rather, by the brainless Pig that initially eyed her and sexually assaulted her from the first encounter.. passing her on to the street pimps, forcing her to get 'hooked', thus quiet.. for the 'children'.. away and away to Foster Homes for more of the 'State's love' to endure.. and so on.. where a whole family is recycled for prostitution.Here, the family, or what was a family at one point, experiences things that never it did experience in Eastern Germany and on the hands of its secret police. Pigs habit of Sexual Assault *Thirteenth Amendment to the U.S. ConstitutionAfter all, half of the women homeless population in the US, was created by the State.. 'saving the women and children'..The world is already seeing such filth of the 'Land of the Free', that is, the filth of being "democratically raped, and by the presumed 'power' of "People of the State".
In a system that postulate Gentile mind's bethroned 'axioms' out of thin air since its genocidal inception [such were derived from pseudo philosophers of British Empiricism; and other nonsense perhaps], it is thus valid to state that the United States is a Police State; for such is an 'axiom' too.
In summa, it is the Gentile's doing to another (Gentile) that wrecked them into miserable and self loathing existence, mistrusting each other even within the same household, striving against each other in self destruction as a sought teleology...the 'blaming game' or mentality, is a luxury only can be enjoyed by 'women and children'..
The vicious Antisemites who are projecting on Jews the abuses that they experienced and endured are doing the same, passing on the trauma unto the new coming Generation, the fatherless Minors.
"My father passed away in 1999, and I only knew him for very few years because he was absent most of my early life."
The Pitiful Confessions: S. B. Alger
'Woe is Me' Series

A Dirge: "My father passed away in 1999, and I only knew him for very few years because he was absent most of my early life."

Hence, 'coming Generation' of Fatherlessness:"I'm also estranged from my two daughters these last couple years, so Father's Day is hard for me."
The Pitiful Confessions: S. B. Alger
'Woe is Me' Series

These Racist Religious Fanatics, the Antisemites, the Bastards have no excuse for their hate, nor they are without a blemish.
Observe below what they do Teach each other and boldly do Encourage & Exchange:

Note that S.B. Alger is deemed 'unsafe' to be around his own daughters by a Court issued Restraining Order

Abomination: Indoctrinating the Godless Religious Fanatics into Satanism & Encouraging neo-Pedo Activities

Promoting Deviant &; Anal Sexual Acts among Religious Members Telegram: S.B. Alger:  Yuliana Forwarded from Yuliana  Sacred 4th eye  1:55 PM crazyshit.com  ← 3 1:58 PM
Promoting Deviant &; Anal Sexual Acts among Religious Members Telegram: S.B. Alger:   Allen Marcus porous_walker admin Q▾ 20,803 likes porous_walker @toddfrancisart told me he liked slide 1 and slide 2 and he LOVED slide 3 animated by the master @patburtscher while he was flying back from UK after his comedy show tour there. Σ
Promoting Deviant &; Anal Sexual Acts among Religious Members Telegram: S.B. Alger:   https://youtube.com /clip/UgkxDr_jw6pqDOe8ZcuJPyQBhax1IM_bejrk YouTube click now!
Telegram: S.B. Alger "OK, I
Telegram: S.B. Alger "OK, I

Results of The Lack of Quality Pussy

Discord Server: May 19, 2022 S.B. Alger 05/19/2022 10:04 AM:  "where u at gurl"  The strange, the odd, and the unusual Jacqui Taylor Yesterday at 1:30 AM-→ In Amsterdam ENT"  SATAN'S ANUS World's first Glory Hole Restaurant  BY BATU # 416-7 Awards 112 Comments 179 Shares

To Each Their Own.. No Judgment..

S.B. Alger's Girlfriend Nurse Lee Taylor hanging around Penguins in Antarctica

S.B. Alger's Girlfriend Nurse Lee Taylor sorjouning amid and around Penguins in Antarctica

..just like the Arctic Penguins, She feels not the cold sky..

"Semolina pilchards, climbing up the Eiffel Tower
Elementary penguin singing Hare Krishna man, you should have seen them kicking Edgar Allan Poe"

Leeching on Widows and Women, Living & Dead, the Usual for a Coward like S. B. Alger

2) Thankful for freedom to take care of biz & things w/o a full time job
"He also that is slothful in his work is brother to him that is a great waster."
Proverbs 18:9

Twitter: @sewneo (S.B. Alger):   1) Thankful for an amazing partner who supports me & never micromanages me  2) Thankful for freedom to take care of biz & things w/o a full time job  3) Thankful for my pugs & their unconditional love  4) Thankful for God giving me endless creativity  5) Thankful for Jesus Christ   Shadeed Q. Eleazer | Web3 Intellectual Pro... @mrshade...  What 5 details from your current situation are you thankful for today?

..no more.. sitting and doing nothing while causing trouble, and obsessively # hashtagging, while someone else is paying his rent and cleaning up after his mess..
For the Obvious is, that Sean Bryan Alger needs to do more than that to pay off his Debt to Tracy R. Twyman's Estate

'An idle mind is the devil's playground'

Hark..! A Moment for a Comic Relief

Twitter S.B. Alger @sewneo:  "plus SA"? Like you are trained and helping people who have suffered satanic abuse?  Blackbird Flies @griffgirl20:  lol  some of the worst abuse i've suffered in my life was at the hands of so called jesus followers who thought it was their calling to impose their completely fukked agenda...on everyone. their very own self identified hell awaits. they think it's waiting for someone else. haha

..'completely fukked agenda' ..Amen

'Live and let Live'?

S. B. Alger's Family Issues & Problems with the "crazy bitch" Wife!

Twitter @sewneo S.B. Alger:  It's definitely toxic & shit, some people might even call it abuse, but some people choose to be in volatile relationships, so it's whatever... you know?  My ex-wife was a crazy bitch. so I used a lot of strategies, but now my relationship is healthy, so I don't need it anymore.

..not a good idea to interfere in Tracy's Private Life.. like a scavenger, a filthy pig.. not a good idea.. while not paying attention to one's own business..

Sparkling & Speaking in Codes

4chan sewneo  Met best girl ever. Chubby, hot, traditional and supportive.  We never fight either. Its amazing what a good relationship can do for your soul.  I did that too... 7 years with that bitch. Two kids. Now I never see em. Ruined my life a lot for that bitch. She's completely nuts now. Literally insane. Still on drugs. Still going to treatment and dropping out.  I recovered. I got away and I'm better. Great actually.  But I miss my fucking kids anon.  Get away from it anon.  Go accept lonely life and learn why you love damaged bitches anon. ..or you'll be like me. And you might not recover.

And what about the availability 'anon'? How Soon 'anon'?

Twitter: S. B. Alger @sewneo:  And on on anon  Nagarjunian @Nagarjuniann. Jan 4  anon /ǝ'non ▸ ADVERB archaic or informal soon; shortly: I'll see you anon. ORIGIN Old English on an 'into one', on āne 'in one'. The original sense was 'in or into one state, course, etc.', which developed into the temporal sense 'at once'. by Oxford Dictionary of English ୦ G <<]

Note the usual of S. B. Alger, that is to Lie and Accuse others: There is a Restraining Order that is issued against S.B. Alger from seeing his children; not against the "Literally insane", "on drugs" ex-wife.

S.B. Alger in 'Shiny Shiny, Shiny Red Feather & Mask'

S.B. Alger in 'Shiny Shiny, Shiny Red Feather & Mask': "Different colours made of tears"

WTF was that?

Deciphering the Codes

Twitter: End of Days Radio U @ninjashoes · Apr 8 Replying to @sewneo:  Pedo matrix covering tracks

Rather, it is not part of S.B. Alger's intelligence the art of "covering tracks".

How does one explain otherwise Tracy Twyman's haunting statement days before her death that S.B. Alger "is one of them."? Or the 6 thousand tweets with #TracyTwyman hashtag produced by S.B. Alger alone in about two years?

S.B. Alger's 'presumed' nefarious activities are no secret to many, alas, silent victims. Observe:

YouTube.com:  CANCERISALIE 1 year ago @S.B. Alger who is "we" ? I'm talking to you because I can't believe.... young boy...fine clothes to try on..... WTF 凸 REPLY  CANCERISALIE 1 year ago Just WTF man ??

YouTube.com:  CANCERISALIE 1 year ago @S.B. Alger who is "we" ? I'm talking to you because I can't believe.... young boy...fine clothes to try on..... WTF 凸 REPLY  CANCERISALIE 1 year ago Just WTF man ??

YouTube.com:  CANCERISALIE 1 year ago @S.B. Alger who is "we" ? I'm talking to you because I can't believe.... young boy...fine clothes to try on..... WTF 凸 REPLY  CANCERISALIE 1 year ago Just WTF man ??

YouTube.com:  CANCERISALIE 1 year ago @S.B. Alger who is "we" ? I'm talking to you because I can't believe.... young boy...fine clothes to try on..... WTF 凸 REPLY  CANCERISALIE 1 year ago Just WTF man ??

YouTube.com:  CANCERISALIE 1 year ago @S.B. Alger who is "we" ? I'm talking to you because I can't believe.... young boy...fine clothes to try on..... WTF 凸 REPLY  CANCERISALIE 1 year ago Just WTF man ??

YouTube.com:  CANCERISALIE 1 year ago @S.B. Alger who is "we" ? I'm talking to you because I can't believe.... young boy...fine clothes to try on..... WTF 凸 REPLY  CANCERISALIE 1 year ago Just WTF man ??

Besides Antisemitism and Pedophilia, consequently, we do have Nazis running the show, marching in solidarity with 'God Fearing' S. B. Alger: All are Satisfying their Masters' agendas like disposable Pawns
A Jew-Hating Themed Agenda

Discord Server: S.B. Alger and Nazis

Bigot & Hateful S. B. Alger fancies that he has bigger balls than the Arab

YouTube: S.B. Alger fancies himself as Arab

The Arab never did dictate to Tracy Twyman what to write and what not to write about; nor forced himself on her demanding that she must"Repent", nor Judged her, nor Judged nor stagnated her Divinely given Knowledge; unlike how the epitome of Ignorance and Filth did and still do, the Religious Fanatic S. B. Alger

What was Gained? 

Why Accuse someone else, while the worthy Oracle clearly stated it was 'a couple' that were pretending to be serious in their relationship, a so-called "fiancée", and this couple were 'friends' of Tracy Twyman?
Yet, S.B. Alger tried to deffer any suspicion against himself and Lee Taylor and started an 'accusation campaign'  against Tracy Twyman's Widower


Thus God Spake
Thou Shalt "..not be assholes too.."

Discord Server: S.B. Alger 07/21/2019 9:09 AM God told all those people to not be assholes too... but they've utterly failed in that divine advice. 9

**God told S.B. Alger so, at one point.

..and yet..

Racist as Fuck

⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣤⡄⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢤⣤⡀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⣰⣿⣿⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢻⣿⣆⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⣰⣿⣿⠃⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⣿⣿⣇⠀ ⠀⢀⣿⣿⣿⣧⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢼⣿⣿⣿⡄ ⠀⢸⣿⣿⣿⣿⣄⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣠⣿⣿⣿⣿⡇ ⠀⠘⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣦⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣼⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠇ ⠀⠀⢿⣿⣿⣿⡿⠃⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠘⢿⣿⣿⣿⡟⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠙⠋⠉⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⠙⠋⠀⠀ 

Agents of Darkness
In Action & Words
"Ye shall know them by their fruits"

"Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God. He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love." 
KJV John 4:7-8

Discord Server: S.B. Alger 10/29/2021: * “..addressing the suspicion that many of us have about him being involved in Tracy's death?”  ★ name anyone as a suspect. ★ Tracy Twyman's 'husband' ★ a Muslim? ★ Try as you may! ★ That woman's husband ★ her freaky 'husband'), ★ Because were bigger. ★ Her husband is scum, ★ Her crazy "husband" ★ husband skipped town ★ you killed Tracy Twyman' ★ Is her husband ★ Tracy's butthurt husband ★ her second husband? ★ Her husband ★ her late husband keeps ★ from her 'husband', ★ Tracy's personal life ★ from her husband. ★ with her second husband ★ He's a jealous little SOB. ★ censoring your dead wife ★ It allegedly belong to her "husband", ★ Twyman's douchebag widower ★ She deserves so much better. ★ hijacking her life's work and legacy. ★ her husband whacked her. ★ Welcome to the giant ball of suffering! snip off part of your dick now. Fuck thi..  Discord Server:  S.B. Alger 02/05/2021 "Yeah, it's run by Tracy's husband."  ★ made to look like a suicide, ★ LEAVE TRACY ALONE OR IM COMING FOR YA. ★ Have you discussed her husband ★ He wants to cannibalize Tracy's legacy ★ that same asshole? ★ other interaction with him? ★ you killed Tracy. ★ is a son of a bitch. ★ her weirdo keeps ★ must have an ironclad alibi ★ celebrating her death? ★ her crazy Arab husband, be warned. ★ Is it the husband for real?! ★ ...AND GET THIS...HE IS VERY FOND OF "PIZZA"... ★ goat fucker. ★ may you receive what you deserve ★ wouldn't be surprised if he iced her, ★ he's got a lot of connections ★ he's absolutely taking the piss ★ Was he a threat to her work, and maybe more, all along? ★ has issues ★ number of her husband ★ her husband was involved in her passing. ★ You're messed up ★ he could be her handler. ★ What a little bitch ★ Her hubby is responsible. ★ little bitch. ★ you are extraordinarily pathetic and shame Tracy's memory. ★ her 2nd marriage was set up ★ has something to do with her "husband". ★ Are you one of the monsters ? ★ a narcissistic physcopath ★ psychotic. ★ he's just mentally ill and demon-possessed ★ made any comments? ★ out of respect for her death, ★ but she cucked Brian with him ★ he is damaging people's lives and reputations! ★ her husband had ties to the trafficking group ★ You are pathetic and weak and everyone knows this. ★ He is a... (excuse the pretty sailor mouth) a real bitch ass niqqa!!! ★ Feel free to go fornicate yourself ★ a monster. ★ she realized what a weak pathetic worm you were ★ this fool is taking all of that into account, ★ want to BURY HER again ★ in contact with her husband, but not me directly.

An exhibit of a Psychopath's criminal activities

A Coward with no Dignity nor Humanity
Meanwhile, S.B. Alger was busy posting 6K of Tweets with hashtag #TracyTwyman and more, as well being excited, and impatiently tickling the 'hubby's' balls.. to be aroused and spurred into an irreversible spearing and piercing action..
..and quoting the Bible on every Social Media.. a Classic..
'For God sayeth this, and God saith that, and God jumped through a hoop and another fiery loop'... and all the nonsense while harming the grieving other in the most base ways..

This is the very definition of Gangstalking, initiated and maintained by S.B. Alger (here, motivated by Hate, i.e. a 'Hate Crime'), and the same was done to Tracy R. Twyman (by the same orchestrating 'hand')

Obviously, demonstrating a very less evolved mind, and the absence of any mark of wits: an idiot

For the low and base wouldn't equate with the noble and the principled

Whoring himself for Attention, and Satisfying his Handlers, were S.B. Alger's Goal and Aim in his Miserable Lot.. a wasted life.. abandoned, dumped to wallow in misery with his deeds..

Discord Server: S.B. Alger 10/29/2021:
★ “..addressing the suspicion that many of us have about him being involved in Tracy's death?”

★ name anyone as a suspect.
★ Tracy Twyman's 'husband'
★ a Muslim?
★ Try as you may!
★ That woman's husband
★ her freaky 'husband'),
★ Because were bigger.
★ Her husband is scum,
★ Her crazy "husband"
★ husband skipped town
★ you killed Tracy Twyman'
★ Is her husband
★ Tracy's butthurt husband
★ her second husband?
★ Her husband
★ her late husband keeps
★ from her 'husband',
★ Tracy's personal life
★ from her husband.
★ with her second husband
★ He's a jealous little SOB.
★ censoring your dead wife
★ It allegedly belong to her "husband",
★ Twyman's douchebag widower
★ She deserves so much better.
★ hijacking her life's work and legacy.
★ her husband whacked her.
★ Welcome to the giant ball of suffering! snip off part of your dick now. Fuck thi..

Discord Server:  S.B. Alger 02/05/2021
★ "Yeah, it's run by Tracy's husband."

★ made to look like a suicide,
★ Have you discussed her husband
★ He wants to cannibalize Tracy's legacy
★ that same asshole?
★ other interaction with him?
★ you killed Tracy.
★ is a son of a bitch.
★ her weirdo keeps
★ must have an ironclad alibi
★ celebrating her death?
★ her crazy Arab husband, be warned.
★ Is it the husband for real?!
★ goat fucker.
★ may you receive what you deserve
★ wouldn't be surprised if he iced her,
★ he's got a lot of connections
★ he's absolutely taking the piss
★ Was he a threat to her work, and maybe more, all along?
★ has issues
★ number of her husband
★ her husband was involved in her passing.
★ You're messed up
★ he could be her handler.
★ What a little bitch
★ Her hubby is responsible.
★ little bitch.
★ you are extraordinarily pathetic and shame Tracy's memory.
★ her 2nd marriage was set up
★ has something to do with her "husband".
★ Are you one of the monsters ?
★ a narcissistic physcopath
★ psychotic.
★ he's just mentally ill and demon-possessed
★ made any comments?
★ out of respect for her death,
★ but she cucked Brian with him
★ he is damaging people's lives and reputations!
★ her husband had ties to the trafficking group
★ You are pathetic and weak and everyone knows this.
★ He is a... (excuse the pretty sailor mouth) a real bitch ass niqqa!!!
★ Feel free to go fornicate yourself
★ a monster.
★ she realized what a weak pathetic worm you were
★ this fool is taking all of that into account,
★ want to BURY HER again
★ in contact with her husband, but not me directly.

"crazy Arab husband": For defending himself and what is his?

Deny, Attack, Reverse Victim & Offender
S. B. Alger, the psychopath, believes or tries to make believe that he is a 'Victim'

And to make believe within himself, before every other idiot, that the psychopath is  rather Tracy R. Twyman's Husband, and her Estate..

A mentally disturbed Religious Fanatic

Sean Bryan Alger knows what is he doing, to what malice he aims to; and he suffered the consequences of his base activities through the legal system.

Telegram: Sean Bryan Alger -  Either way... This guy still has it out for me and anyone wanting to honor or remember our friend Tracy R. Twyman. Please pray and/or send your energies that 'the right things be done'.


Telegram: Sean Bryan Alger -  Yuliana S.B. Alger ANNOUNCEMENT AND REQUEST Hello Everyone... Prayers ascending for justice to be served, protection for the channels keeping Tracy's memory and work alive, prayers for the tortured soul behaving as a hungry ghost, may he find peace within himself and stop bothering others..▲ S.B. Alger Yuliana Reply Prayers ascending for... Amen & ty! 9:53 AM 9:44 AM

Telegram: Sean Bryan Alger -  40 S.B. Alger Michael admin Did you find Tracy's article relating to the compass and 360 deg... I don't see it with a typical search, but I used Qwant, and search the exact title, and I got this. I did not read to confirm that it is intact. Reader beware! And sharing it outside of this venue might get you attacked by her crazy Arab husband, be warned. 1:44 PM 17_7_fake_n_e_w_s_unboxing_the_comp.pdf 3.5 MB OPEN WITH 4 1:46 PM =1000

Telegram: Sean Bryan Alger -  S.B. Alger S S In reply to this message 07:34 ah no, we need folks like you in the lead, it's a fine line... we need folks who are total ASSHOLES, but just not STUPID assholes...
Telegram Sean Bryan Alger What in the fudge now I know we can not make a comment and recommend someone a book!!! Like ← 1 12:51 PM admin S.B. Alger مار | What in the fudge now I know we can not make a comment and ... That's not true, he's full of shit of course, but that doesn't mean he might not strike the channel and start hassling us with his harassment tactics. It's totally fair use to read or honor or make reference to our deceased friend's work, he's just an insane person. 1 edited 12:52 PM J Lo He is a... (excuse the pretty sailor mouth) a real bitch ass niqqa!!! Da Fvck he doing lurking... E Jean Wow fuc that guy 12:55 PM J Lo Sowwy thats the Scorpio in me He can cease & desist up his Uranus!!! Okay Breath is important ←2 12:53 PM Uranus at 0° 12:56 PM Im back 17-57 DM

'Bitches.. he got screwed'..
..S.B. Alger is not a lawyer, as he always pretends that he is something of importance or someone of worth, nor is he educated, and obviously not intelligent nor subtle, rather, dull like a block.. worse, he has no sense of morality, nor a basic sense of right and wrong, nor is he a decent person..

A Trash and nothing else..

"forgiveness and release"
Does S.B. Alger recognize the level and the depth of his Hypocrisy and the ungodliness of his so-called soul, if he has any?

Discord Server: S.B. Alger "forgiveness and release"
Discord Server: S.B. Alger 06/23/2023 1:13 PM:  hey @everyone I did a livestream w/ Beth Martens of "King Hero Podcast", and I forgot to drop it here 1st... But here's the replay:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C4kGy5lUueA YouTube Beth Martens: King Hero's Journey (HOFWM) Sean (S.B.) Alger: The History of the Bible [King Hero Interview] Seon (5.8) Alger Host: Beth Martens The History of the Bible

..all the while, the Bigot Psychopath is Preaching about the Bible and God.. and Heaven.. and Love.. and so forth..
After all, a Narcissist pest won't admit nor consider himself as one.. a classic symptom of a mental and psyche malady.

Twitter: Tweet S. B. Alger @sewneo Replying to @alga_rhythm and @don_n_i_e  Awesome. It'd be a shame if anyone scanned and uploaded all those Dagoberts! :-D  6:01 AM - Jun 8, 2022 - Twitter Web App 3 Likes 27  alga_rhythm @alga_rhythm - 6h Replying to @sewneo and @don_n_i_e  Where do you want them I got 3 different issues  17  Dawn @don_n_i_e. 6h Replying to @sewneo and @alga_rhythm  !!! A  ជ 17 2

Besides massive Gangstalking efforts were directed against Tracy Twyman's widower by S. B. Alger, another campaign for a massive organized piracy was launched by S.B. Alger
This also was motivated by 'Hate'

..two weeks after posting this enticement to pirate Tracy R. Twyman's Estate materials... S. B. Alger was hit by a Lawsuit... He was served the "letter".. LOL ..an idiot

S.B. Alger "a wasted life.. abandoned, dumped to wallow in misery.."

Forsaken to his Deeds: "a wasted life.. abandoned, dumped to wallow in misery.."

From Discord Server: S. B. Alger, a Bastard, with 'broken hearts' in regards Tracy R. Twyman

     Thus was left to her dreadful loneliness, ignored.. utterly ignored and unwanted as she was forlorn to her 'lonely' hours and nights as her sad sighs could be afar and yonder heard..

     "Relief me!, oh Relief me!" (from the chains of this tyme bound misery).. were the only words that hoarsely echoed now and then startling the dull duration of the endless dark.. breaking the long ebbs of the entombing sickening unforgiving silence..

     "For it is forlorn and abandoned, where vapour of noxious glowing miasma, stupefying the unaware into such dark and narrow trap like the dead into a coffin, is fertilized within and fermented, to extract the fluids necessary from the intruding, and gain a relief after the throbbing.", wept and said the lonely beetle-like.

From: An "Occult" Gothic Tale of 6 Thousand Fathoms Deep in Tweets & Hashtagging

Twitter: Alex Rivera @AeonEye - Hell is real.

There is a level of Awareness that is present, yet misplaced..
Indeed, not like the 'fake sun', 'Black Sun', "Hell" is rather real.. Here and Now.. Amen

His close interactions with Tracy Twyman had induced on his being a 'Nervous Breakdown', where he declared that he is a 'Repentant', and did "Repent" from (exposure to) such Knowledge.

As a consequence, Alex did join a Religious Fraternity and a Brotherhood, deriding working with Tracy Twyman and deriding Baphomet and Magic.

So much traumatized was the 'Learned Scholar', and much he felt that he was in a life crisis, that he did sever his connection with Tracy R. Twyman for a while.

For he is the type that monopolizes God by adding the 'Registered Trade Mark Symbol' to God's name, like that "God®".

He couldn't handle what Tracy Twyman handled like 'ringing a bell'. 'Ringing a bell'. Like "Ringing a bell". For they are not born for Magic and Witchcraft. Yet do pretend to be able to 'dabble' in what would be for them a Hell and a Curse to quaff and drink.

Again and again, Witches are born and not made.

The very reason that the "Occult" is termed as such, and the Esoteric, is what they see not or refuse to see.

Nor they do uphold the first Principle as observed, the essence.

It would had been the wiser for their type had they kept with their 'children books' and the fairy tales contained within, content and day dreaming of Heaven and Hell, a God and a Devil, no more nor less.

For the World is full of bloody Cunts and other reptiles who think much of themselves, leeching on the living and the dead.

The Learned "Occult" Student & Scholar did thieve from Tracy Twyman too.

For Alex 'wrote' an article under his name that was what Tracy did relate to him about her discourse with her husband regarding a certain concept; to the exact outline and examples. Dark City, The Watchers.. for a hint.

When her husband saw the article, he brought it to Tracy's attention, and casually Tracy replied that she had already seen it, and  said "They all do that". That is, many did and do steal from her the ideas to the letter that she had brought forth, and claim these concepts are theirs.

Furthermore, a couple weeks after Tracy Twyman's death, Alex did join the traitorous Cabal in their thievery activities against Tracy R. Twyman.

For he sent Tracy Twyman's publisher a request to claim Tracy's book, and to be transferred into his publishing account as an owner. Alex Rivera was acting on behalf another thieving low and two-faced snake of an individual who demanded this of him; thinking that the dead, dead Tracy Twyman had lost her rights, and the dead can be cannibalized as well; and to direct a gesture of disrespect towards Tracy Twyman's Estate.

Email from Tracy Twyman’s Publisher regarding Alex Rivera request:  We have received a request from a publisher asking for this title to be transferred to them:  ISBN 9780692580769 "Baphomet: The Temple Mystery Unveiled"   Publisher requesting: Alex Rivera with The Megas Aeon Publishing 
Not a man exists among this low and heinous, cannibalistic rabble.
...and they come and do lecture the humanity about God.. Good & Evil.. 'Ye Sinners!'.. etc..

Twitter: Alex Rivera @theMegasAeon Replying to @Travis Wolf62255 Apr 29 I mean, seeing as Tracy and her husband created their own Baphomet-worshiping secret society, and that she committed suicide, it's the nature of the beast. But don't get me wrong her research is still invaluable. She will always be missed. 1 13 " ♥1

With the mishaps and the 'overt-zealousy' witnessed here and there, one must state that Alex Rivera is the only person with Integrity among this corrupt cohort of rabble.
Never did Alex direct a hateful statement, nor he is moved by Hate. Nor he did attempt to sabotage what is of the late Tracy and of her Estate. The Man does not harbour Hate in his Soul.
Even when it was perceived that he was wronged, regardless of the validity of such, Alex did not commit the unjust; nor sought revenge.
Nor did he join the Hate Rally "Godly" group and participated in their soul devouring filth intending malice and harm, in the name of God or not.
Nor Alex did take advantage of Tracy R. Twyman after her death, nor served the nonsense that others in degrading servitude, and like swines, did obey and fulfill in accordance to their Master's whim.
They are a Humiliated collection of lost souls, allowed others to 'use and abuse' them, and then dumped to pay the price on their own. This suggests that they were raised by a Whore, and many times they had witnessed, as well learned to enjoy, how the Whore was mistreated.
How can one not have a Respect and Trust in a man as Alex? Perhaps he let divinity reside in his heart, as it was shown in his actions, and reactions. Perhaps he is more aware of the Divine than the most who preach nonsense with utmost hypocrisy and cowardice like loose maniacs.
Alex Rivera is a good friend of Tracy Twyman, and betrayed her not. Nor did he act with hate and harm her Widower after her death.
Alex Rivera does not lie neither. For he does not carry darkness in his heart. Not a statement from Alex was ever seen, where he accuses or misinforms to cause intentional harm against Tracy R. Twyman and her Estate.
Such is admired indeed and Respect must be given to the erudite, literate eloquent Scholar, regardless.Indeed, Tracy  Twyman's work and translation of Mysterium Baphometis Revelatum did unleash what was hid in secrecy, sealed and contained, for almost a Thousand Years.
To delve into the book, for an example, by editing it for publication, will bring forth many of the symptoms of Baphomet's presence and influence which were described by Tracy R. Twyman and Professor X: That is, Hell.
     "[F]rom my own experience on this project, I do believe that this text, the images, and indeed the entire subject matter, is cursed. I have had... frankly the worst luck of my life, while studying the subject of Baphomet for the last sixteen years, especially whenever I tried to focus on the Hammer‐Purgstall translation in particular. .. [I] have even have a term we have coined— “the Fog”—for the mental confusion, inertia, and weariness we felt overtake [me] whenever [I] sit down to work on it. ..The curse of Baphomet strikes again!"

Tracy R. Twyman

A Gate to Hell the book is.

Twitter: Alex Rivera @AeonEye May 23 Replying to @Samuel Beaudry10 and @zerohedge  They all get sodomized. It's how they get "initiated".

Thus, The Godless confessed & attested & instructed, and of course, professed:
 Initiation into Hell, thus to have a further and 'continuous' encounter with Baphomet & Company as such would require the rituals of Sodomy as they seek unto it's painful delights.
The main 'initiate' is not ideologically inclined; it is merely out of Fetish and Obsession with the person of Tracy Twyman that he succumbed to Satan and other Demons in submissive servitude.
 Then why such dedication is invested in defense of Religious Fanatics Pedophiles,  Baphomet Idol Worshipers, "the worthless followers", Beelzebub's Loyal Servants, who do spread rumors and lies in the name of God® Serving their Earthly and Infernal Masters?

Discord: S.B. Alger "I added the Juice" | Demonstrating Antisemitism
Discord S.B. Alger quotes Bible:  December 31, 2021 S.B. Alger 12/31/20217:19 AM  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LVu19Uzr2lc&t=68s&ab_channel=JesusLove723  YouTube  JesusLove723  Jesus Walking On Water and Peter: Teaching The Understanding Of The...  "The Sea Kings & Kingdoms, Across Time (Last 2000 years)"  "This message from Robert Ferrell has increased my understanding of the 'hidden meanings' in scripture:  Apostle Peter - The Church. Wind - Doctrines or Teachings. Raging waves - Wicked Men (Pharisee's, Sadducee's, etc.) Boat - The Canon, What man says our Holy Bible should be. Jesus - The Holy Living Word Of God (Christ). = every word that proceeds from the mouth of God which is All of the Prophets even the lost and discarded one's (Apocryphal) The Sea = King's and Kingdom's across time (Last 2000 years)"
Discord: S.B. Alger "S.B. Alger reacted with :heart pulse:" | Demonstrating Antisemitism
Discord Server: S.B. Alger 06/23/2023 1:13 PM:  hey @everyone I did a livestream w/ Beth Martens of "King Hero Podcast", and I forgot to drop it here 1st... But here's the replay:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C4kGy5lUueA YouTube Beth Martens: King Hero's Journey (HOFWM) Sean (S.B.) Alger: The History of the Bible [King Hero Interview] Seon (5.8) Alger Host: Beth Martens The History of the Bible
Twitter: S. B. Alger @sewneo @getongab @VibeHi @GrrrGraphics  ...so he makes them look like this?! https://t.co/H7tpTUwvX8  Twitter for Android Jul 10, 2019 20:03:34
Detail: Twitter: S. B. Alger @sewneo @getongab @VibeHi @GrrrGraphics  ...so he makes them look like this?! https://t.co/H7tpTUwvX8  Twitter for Android Jul 10, 2019 20:03:34
From S. B. Alger Rx Only Picture Show Discord Server:  S.B. Alger 02/02/2022:  https://youtu.be/9Q7hA7mR3-Q YouTube  XXJAKMACKXX  Our Common Destiny and The Anti Communitarian Manifesto  1
Twitter: S. B. Alger @sewneo. 3h  Corelate this to #NikiRaapana and her work on #COMMUNITARIANISM, and then you'll really start to see the developing architecture of these new systems.  Mark Majekodunmi @MarkMajekodunmi - Jun 24  How did this end up as law in the US? "Few Christians have heard of the Noahide Laws or know that they were signed into US law on March 20, 1991 by George HW Bush."  <Chabad  Noahide Laws are from the Babylonian Talmud
"How did this end up as law in the US? "Few Christians have heard of the Noahide Laws or know that they were signed into US law on March 20, 1991 by George HW Bush."
..and his name is "Gabriel".. what a mockery.., a 'Middle Eastern' name, not Roman, nor Grecian

Results of Impotency

One cannot help but ask within oneself:
Why be Evil, and Hurt others, Harm others, cause Misery to others, while sucking on God's nuts night and day making a show out of it, defiling God's image to the humanity?

A Necrophiliac Satanist in Sheep's Clothing "I'm reluctant to relay what I know about Tracy and God..." - S.B. Alger "..skinny drug whores were my addiction." S.B. Alger

Discord S.B. Alger: I'm reluctant to relay what I know about Tracy and God...

How Religious Fanatics 'Play' Satanic Bingo confirming to the World their unwavering loyalty to the Devil
Click here to witness the Irony, or the Hypocrisy

From Telegram: Bingo: "Rider Waite, Jesus, Tracy Twyman..."

Nothing goes Unnoticed